Acellent's patented SMART Layer® is a flexible circuit appliqué containing an array of sensors embedded within it, resulting in a distributed network of sensors that can be easily applied to any structure. Installation is easy and repeatable.
The SMART Layer® is highly durable and designed for long-term, real-world use in a variety of extreme environments, including wet service. It is…
- Tested under a diverse set of electrical, mechanical, fatigue, and flight conditions.
- Proven to withstand lightning strikes and physical stresses.
- Available with a variety of protective coating options to increase survivability in harsh environments (e.g, UV-protection).
- Manufactured with tear-resistant edge construction that increases durability.
- Configurable with multiple-path wiring to provide enhanced survivability.
- Repairable directly in the field (even after installation) at the level of individual sensors.
The SMART Layer® is well-established in the field of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). It is noted for its unique ability to cover large structural areas as a result of its sensor network concept.